
Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 1 & 2 of the School Holidays

On Saturday we went to South Auckland to get chicken food for our chickens. After we had picked up the chicken food, we went to our Uggie's house. We stopped at a bakery near Uggie's house to buy some lunch.  When we got there we saw Megan and Uggie's cars but not Nicky's car. Nicky was at her farm. On her farm are horses. Karl and I sat outside to eat our lunch as well as the gingerbread men Papa bought us. After lunch, Karl and I went down to the park to play. While we were playing some girls came down and started playing on a tree which was fenced off. We started playing on a tree too. Karl went to the top of the tree when I went to the beach. I climbed up to Karl pretty fast. On the way home we stopped in at Bike Barn and got some handle bar grips for our bikes. Then we went home.

On Sunday I built a tree-hut in the hedge with Papa. Karl liked my tree-hut so he decided to build his own one. I helped Karl with decorating the tree-hut he built. Papa made the surface by cutting down branches and also nailing the pieces of wood in it for it. I loved my tree-hut a lot.

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